Apprenticeship Taster Event

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Event Description

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

“Join your hand with us for a better life and beautiful future to poor people”

Fusce tempus ex nibh, eget vulputate ligula ornare eget. Nunc facilisis erat at ligula blandit tempor. Pellentesque elit arcu, finibus ut rutrum vel, dapibus eget nisi. Suspendisse at venenatis arcu, et accumsan ante.congue ut faucibus et, mattis in ante.

Event Details

Organizer : Subsidy Charity Team

Start Date : 2022-04-30

End Date : 2024-02-17

Time : 08.00 am

Cost : 10$

Event Venue

Venue : Charity Park

Address : 12, Victoria Street, Australia

E-mail :

Phone : +1 (541) 754-3010

Website :


This site is intended to provide basic educational information about DLG4-related synaptopathies. It is not intended to, nor does it, constitute medical or other advice. Readers are warned not to take any action regarding medical treatment or otherwise based on the information on this web site without first consulting a physician. The DLG4 Research Fund does not promote or recommend any treatment, therapy, institution or health care plan.

The information contained in this site is intended for your general education and information only and not for use in pursuing any treatment or course of action. Ultimately, the course of action in treating a given patient must be individualized after a thorough discussion with the patient’s physician(s).thorough discussion with the patient’s physician(s).